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Address:No.10,Beiling Avenue, Huanggu District Shenyang Liaoning,China
TEL:+86 86816992
Fax:+86 86816992
Phone:+86 15640442778
Transportation: my company will take the goods from any port of China, stations, transport to the customer designated port, railway station, etc.

Service scope: domestic delivery, domestic customs clearance, booking, packing, customs clearance abroad, overseas warehouse, the overseas delivery, etc

Translation: our company can translation, English, Chinese, Russian three languages.

The content of the translation: translation, data translation, translation qualification, notarization materials, technical documents translation

Business and technology consulting, our company can study other countries according to the requirements of different industries, to give the right business information and technical advice.

Inspection of goods: our company can go communist inspection for their clients. Testing the goods quality. To ensure that customers get the qualified goods.
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